
Showing posts from July, 2022

How to Convince your Parents to let you go to university

   How to Convince your Parents to let you go to university in this post we share five ways you can, convince your family to support your, decision to study abroad number one be.   understanding after all it's only, natural your parents would be hesitant, at sending you across the world don’t, just dismiss their concerns but try to, address them try to use us language, instead of ai language so that they, understand that you are thinking of them, and not only yourself number two have a, financial plan does you have any savings,   could you get a scholarship does your, program have any co-op opportunities, have you considered a part-time job not, only is it very important to think about, how you can fund your study abroad, journey it shows you are serious about, your education and you are willing to, work for its number three do your, research once you have decided on a, program or country start taking an. English course you can even start, reading books and watching movies